Saturday, May 16, 2009

Upcoming Show: The Posies perform Frosting On The Beater at The Gramercy Theater, New York, NY - June 13, 2009


If you happen to be in NYC in June and are at all a fan of Damn The Man, then you will probably be at this most momentous of 90's shows.

Bellingham, WA band The Posies make me want to cry because they represent the 90's in a lot of ways for me. For some reason, dreamy guitar fuzz pop is not popular with the kids and their iPods these days. Their 1993 album, "Frosting on the Beater" is a triumph of said fuzzy guitar pop, and will be performed in its entirety by the full band, including, of course, co-founders and main songwriters Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow.

Here's where you can purchase tickets if that is your wont to do so.

"Flavor of the Month" was their big hit single off "Frosting," but "Dream All Day" is one of the finest songs of the 90's, bar none. Check out some Posies videos that will illustrate what I mean:

The Posies - "Dream All Day"

The Posies - "Flavor of the Month"

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